Speaking of which, if bleggalgazing makes your eyes vomit blood, stop reading now. I usually look forward to the trinity of consecutive birthdays, they caught me by surprise this year, as did discovering I'd posted the above and below gifs in that post and didn't notice until last night around 730. I almost forgot to post the Overnight Goat of High Egoslavian Holy Days both Monday and Tuesday nights. Also too, the Great Bleg Plague of 2012 intensifies! I've multiple theories why Blegsylvania's ghost-towning is accelerating, wanna hear them? No? A Kind mocomofo has quit (or says he has anyway, saying he has before and but and but and but also too he means it this time) and my banishment from blogrolls continues apace! So far this month the score is 3-3, Quittings gridlocked! with Purgings, though it's only the the first half of the first quarter of the Blog Days of Summer. I will employ the maximum whatthefuck I permit myself, though here's hoping I get to break the tie myself. I know I don't want to spend the next six months typing motherfucking Obama and motherfucking crackers day after fucking day, which doesn't mean I won't. With the gif below, I believe I've honored at least a dozen tired BLCKDGRD tropes. Stand by (use your brain's Paul Harvey voice) for mews!
- Taboo.
- Capitalism.
- Capitalism.
- Krugman's obamapostasy will never be ready.
- Police state.
- Yodel.
- Social unrest in the US?
- Education and social revolution.
- Bacevich skewers one of the motherfucking Kagans.
- Remind yourself, as your reading the media's breathless reportage on the horse race for the White House, whose interest is served by making the race seem as close as possible?
- Hey! Did you know Washington DC has a professional soccer team?
- It's true! and they haven't had an African striker with a three syllable last name starting with K in a couple of years, though they do have a home game tonight v Colorado. Yay me!
- This post's first draft.
- It was be done with this particular bleggalgaze or have it build another day. Apologies. I should be fine for at least a few hours.
- The internet's apocalypse is scheduled for my 24th wedding anniversary! Um, fine metaphors abound!
- Fortuna!
- Revisiting hauntology.
- Revisiting Ashbery.
- RIP Carlos Fuentes.
- Bolano's werewolves.
- Meeting Gary Snyder.
- Anyone? Hamster, I'm looking at you.
- Have I mentioned that Robert Fripp is 66 today?
Lyn Hejinian
Papa is saying
Wee-wig, wee-wig
Toddler is saying
Wig swenson dig der walloop
Papa is saying
Hapkin hapkin hapkin
As a sound unit
he must be
a very fine Papa
for he seems to muse on horsekind
or on horsekind's ineluctable musings
on humankind
I haven't banished you from my blogroll, I just went without much of a blogroll when I moved my crappy blog from one crappy platform to another crappy platform. I can barely keep my bookmarks updated.
ReplyDeleteOh, it wasn't you I was referring to! No worries! Please.
ReplyDeleteOne's a guy in Tulsa, another a guy in Edinburgh, the third a guy in Toronto. Foreign countries all.
I know it's silly to think about it, but Blegsylvania reminds me that fine metaphors abound.
Dance dance dance makes me want to start a revolution, not sure in which form, but banishment spells aplenty.
ReplyDeleteBe sure to celebrate your anniversary/the digital apocalypse by blowing something up, like DCU's roster after the inevitable 0-2-5 run.
Dunno if it's your cup of vino, but I'd recommend The Wine of Silence (an orchestration of Fripp's soundscapes).
ReplyDeleteThat's brand new, by the way, otherwise I wouldn't have troll'd it.
ReplyDeleteThanks! Will definitely go looking for it later today or tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI'd purge you if my love were conditional. You're that bad.
ReplyDeletefish, I wouldn't have noticed until you dropped to the bottom of my dynamical blogthingie. Sorry you're quits, love you anyway, peace on.
zrm dropped me off his blegrool, even though all his pets liked me when I visited.
ReplyDelete*sad face*
I did warn you to stop reading, and yes, using Khumalo to taunt a Kpene fan was cruel, but I couldn't help myself.
ReplyDeleteIt's all those squirrel links, thunder.
ReplyDeleteBDR, you will always be on my Pork Roll as I don't bleg no more. Smoking Butt and Ribs today! Huzzah!