Friday, February 21, 2025

When He Cried the Little Children Died in the Streets


W.H. Auden

About suffering they were never wrong,
The old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position: how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along;
How, when the aged are reverently, passionately waiting
For the miraculous birth, there always must be
Children who did not specially want it to happen, skating
On a pond at the edge of the wood:
They never forgot
That even the dreadful martyrdom must run its course
Anyhow in a corner, some untidy spot
Where the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturer's horse
Scratches its innocent behind on a tree.

In Breughel's Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away
Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman may
Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry,
But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone
As it had to on the white legs disappearing into the green
Water, and the expensive delicate ship that must have seen
Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky,
Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.

The Traditional High Egoslavian Holy Day Auden's Birthday Post. Born 118 years ago today. I always post that photo, then Musee Des Beaux Arts (it still gets better with each rereading) and then some version of these paragraphs:
Some personal history: besides taking classes from Anthony Hecht, I did basic research grunt work for him on his final two books of criticism in exchange for his company, On the Laws of the Poetic Arts and The Hidden Law, a book specifically about Auden's poetry, which Hecht respected deeply. In the process of the research for and conversations with Hecht over years I must have read the majority of Auden's poems at least once, some countless times, some, like the above and below, literally dozens of dozens of times.
I've told some version of this story countless times: I was hired by Georgetown University mid-August, I sought Hecht out immediately and asked to audit his Fall semester grad poetry class, telling him not only was I only a Georgetown staffer but I hadn't an undergraduate degree and asking please let me audit the class. It focused on five main poets - Frost, Eliot, Auden, Bishop, and Wilbur - but we spent more than half the semester on Auden alone. I've probably spent more time with Auden than with any other poet, and if I only read him now on his birthday, I can pull up countless poems in my head whenever I want.


Perfection, of a kind, was what he was after,
And the poetry he invented was easy to understand;
He knew human folly like the back of his hand,
And was greatly interested in armies and fleets;
When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter,
And when he cried the little children died in the streets.


The piers are pummelled by the waves;
In a lonely field the rain
Lashes an abandoned train;
Outlaws fill the mountain caves.

Fantastic grow the evening gowns;
Agents of the Fisc pursue
Absconding tax-defaulters through
The sewers of provincial towns.

Private rites of magic send
The temple prostitutes to sleep;
All the literati keep
An imaginary friend.

Cerebrotonic Cato may
Extol the Ancient Disciplines,
But the muscle-bound Marines
Mutiny for food and pay.

Caesar's double-bed is warm
As an unimportant clerk
On a pink official form.

Unendowed with wealth or pity,
Little birds with scarlet legs,
Sitting on their speckled eggs,
Eye each flu-infected city.

Altogether elsewhere, vast
Herds of reindeer move across
Miles and miles of golden moss,
Silently and very fast.


Looking up at the stars, I know quite well
That, for all they care, I can go to hell,
But on earth indifference is the least
We have to dread from man or beast.

How should we like it were stars to burn
With a passion for us we could not return?
If equal affection cannot be,
Let the more loving one be me.

Admirer as I think I am
Of stars that do not give a damn,
I cannot, now I see them, say
I missed one terribly all day.

Were all stars to disappear or die,
I should learn to look at an empty sky
And feel its total dark sublime,
Though this might take me a little time.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

time, rejection, discouragement, and the inevitable practicalities and detours (some of them fortuitous), as well as wasted energy, the slow seepage or sudden shift of interest, premature death, burdensome debt or better offers, usually cure the problem of overpopulation

Trump crowned himself king yesterday and everybody yawned

Another clusterfuck spew of duh: getting harder and harder coming up with any insight on the clusterfuck that's even a smidgen different than previous grievous insights on the clusterfuck, on the shitlords running the world who can conceive of no greater goal than complete and ultimate wealth extraction and your absolute adoration have decided that the maximum wealth achievable only by making everything shittier 

All shitlord psyop narratives are ordained, designed, and implemented with primary goal of increasing fear and crippling anxiety in the herd for its subordination and exploitation. Yesterday RFK Jr announced a war on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs, no hiding behind a medical veil from your misery and fear, you peasant and pagan. You must feel the weight and power of your gods and worship in fear of their awesome and vengeful omnipotence. This motherfucker, for instance, this one too

That's my right eye as an avenging killer drone, I daydream of photon-torpedoing shitlords on their yacht decks. Almost 18 hours after Trump crowned himself king there is still no mention of it on the front webpage of the Washington Post and New York Times, and my Shitter and BluePlace timelines have precious few posts bitching about Trump's announcement of our new feudal authoritarianism. We are so fucked

Michael Gira is 71 today. I'm stupid for Swans, stupid, one of only a few bands in permanent orbit for the three rotating spots in my abandoned Sillyass Deserted Island Five Game. Play it loud, fellowmofo peasant pagan

The Purge of the Deep State and the Road to Dictatorship
"But we need to lose the theory that these Dems are “spineless” and just don’t understand how to wage political war. We know they can be vicious because we’ve seen them execute that kind of operation against the left since Ralph Nader caught them sleeping in 2000. We have seen them do it maliciously during Senator Bernie Sanders’s two primary runs. We saw Black and brown women stamped as “Bernie Bros” with enough, yes, ruthless, repetition to make it stick. We’ve seen President Barack Obama with all his rhetorical powers hector young Black men, but not aim his electric cadence at Musk and his Palo Alto brownshirts. It’s not that they cannot—they will not. When it was Sanders or an individual who demanded even a modest change in policy on Gaza, they brought out the knives. When it’s Musk and his apartheid army of incels, they wield sporks. Yet, as we keep seeing, spork fighting is demoralizing"
Psst, they work hand in glove with the GOP for their mutual shitlord bosses, and Democrats' *Job One* is to protect the shitlords' left flank, sorry for the duh, I'm just seeing people suggesting Democrats aren't doing their job. They are
Wokeness Is Not to Blame for Trump
"This rare cross-ideological alignment has created an opening for the Trump-Musk-Vance team, which, thanks to the Democratic pullback from “woke-ism,” faces scant opposition as it busily dynamites a civil-rights infrastructure built painstakingly over generations"
"Democrats scheduled social media posts are so funny, always completely random, unrelated to what else is going on. Makes it seem like they are truly unaware of what's happening. It's 2025 and they're waiting to get the morning paper from a newsie on the corner on their way into the office"
Not 13 flags, not 15 flags, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" 14 flags
H. Rap Brown, Jamil Al-Amin, and the Perils of Forgetting
"In this extreme version of disaster capitalism, horror creates opportunity not only for the expansion of the United States but for the ruling family’s property development business"
The top criminal prosecutor in the U.S. attorney's office in Washington quit today, citing pressure by the Trump administration to open what she viewed as an improper criminal probe of a federal contract
"Israeli forces strapped explosives around the neck of an elderly Palestinian who used a walking stick and forced him to inspect areas used by Hamas before killing him and his wife"
"Soldiers put an explosive cord around the man's neck and forced him to scout buildings for eight hours. After his release, another division shot him dead
Forever War for Profit: The United States, Israel/Palestine, and the Global Corporate Security Economy
The Dangerous Game US Jewry is Playing with America's White Supremacists
"Zionist Shots Zionists - Both Blame Arabs"
America is a full blown kleptocracy
There’s One Federal Investigative Agency that Neither Trump nor Elon Musk Can Touch: It Just Opened an Investigation into DOGE
"i feel like this is evidence for my view that people experience trump through a strong form of ironic detachment. they literally do not perceive him as real"
Forgive me, I need to screaminly reiterate that these shitord-released crackers and christers ARE DOING EXACTLY WHAT THEY SAID THEY WERE GOING TO DO AND HAVE BEEN SAYING THEY ARE GOING TO DO SINCE ALWAYS
Yes, shitlords implement disaster capitalism and disaster nationalism to extract max profit BFFS many of them genuinely believe this is true and see themselves as noble warriors fighting a holy war, BELIEVE THEM WHEN THEY TELL YOU WHO THEY ARE!
"The West is obviously superior. We had a pagan religion infiltrate our universities and our society, and that religion basically said that everything good about America and everything that has actually worked… is bad.”
"Here's my prediction from 2008: "The days of a rational American empire are drawing to a close. We'll be forced to discard either the empire part, or the rational part. And based on 10,000 years of human history, I'm guessing it's the rational part that will go."
Trump's stab at Napoleonicity
"Billionaire finds it strange that people can't afford kids in a world where artificial scarcity intentionally withholds food, water, housing, healthcare, and everything else in a ploy to extract indentured servitude out of us all"
We might have to "shut down the country"
"Trump’s tariffs will escalate exploitation and desperation of US workers. That’s the point"
Conservatism and the Decline of the West
This is not a testWhich of course puts this song in my head and on repeat
"I’m deriving a certain grim amusement from the unnatural intellectual acts that right wing law professors with an eye to the main chance are currently performing, in the face of the most corrupt and most public quid pro quo in the history of the American presidency"
"I would read an intellectual history about how a body of thought that provided the ideological foundations for regicide got reduced to the means by which opinion columnists tut-tut activists for shutting down events"
The making of emergenciesUnhinged
"JD Vance Called Me a 'Dummy' for Pointing Out His Administration's Hypocrisy on Free Speech. I Guess the Truth Hurts"We Are All Porn Actors
States and the Coming Scam-Apocalypse
Wrestling, cannabis, bitcoin and stocks
Inside Project 2025"The usual dance of “moderate” Republicans complaining about everything they just voted for when it affects them. Rinse, repeat"
If You Only Watch One Thing Today, Please Watch This
"In the span of a day, Trump's "immigration czar" called for a criminal investigation of a member of Congress for informing immigrants of their rights, while Trump's co-president called for the imprisonment of journalists for basic video editing"
Libertarianism is a form of white supremacy
"Liberals hate socialists for the same reason socialists hate liberals: because socialists are the thing liberals pretend to be. Socialists stand for truth, justice, peace and equality while liberals only pretend to stand for these things, and they both know it. Liberals know their favorite political party supports war, militarism, oligarchy and inequality and is rife with power-serving corruption, and socialists know it too, so they can critique these dynamics in ways that have the unpleasant sting of truth"
How Biden set the stage for GOP budget cuts
"I want to thank Nancy Pelosi for her devoted work in keeping Henry Cuellar in office. If the Democratic Party did not support him, you might end up with a guy who always votes with Donald Trump, and that would be awful'
Today in I Hate Motherfucking Democrats"You passionately supported the premiere murderer of the overwhelming majority of these journalists: Israel. It’s astonishing you would have the audacity to tweet this given your personal role in facilitating Israel’s killing spree unleashed again our colleagues"
Two 66 year old Democratic senators announce they will not run for reelection in the 2026 midterms and it's not because the Democratic Party is renouncing its gerontocracy
Delaware Decides Delaware Law Has No Value
Today's monologue: you do realize, yes? that smart shitlords recognize total catastrophic social breakdown hours, not minutes, ahead, and are working their three private jets and four luxury yachts and six Micronesian islands and two luxury bomb shelters to boom NOW!
I agree that the size of Juan Soto's contract is morally wicked but I don't think that's what these dopes meant in this headline
Reminder: xymphoraProfiles in polroonery
Maggie'sAvedon Carol's occasional links
The Eternal Mysteries of Red
Loose leashSong and sadness{ feuilleton }
Where did all the fiction in fiction go?
The Biggest Little Press in the World
Richard Dawson, his music as important to me at this moment in my life as any musician at any point of my life


C.D. Wright

A question posed to Flannery O'Connor, as to whether writing programs stifled writers, drew the famous, tart rejoinder that in her opinion they didn't stifle nearly enough.

Even if, as it is often said, there are too many of us—poets, that is—that the field is too crowded (as opposed to too many hedge-fund managers or too many pharmaceutical lobbyists or too many fundamentalists), time, rejection, discouragement, and the inevitable practicalities and detours (some of them fortuitous), as well as wasted energy, the slow seepage or sudden shift of interest, premature death, burdensome debt or better offers, usually cure the problem of overpopulation. In other words, there are plenty of natural predators.

Friday, February 14, 2025

But where, oh where is the holy idiot, truth teller and soothsayer, familiar of spirits, rat eater, unhouseled wanderer whose garble and babble fill rich and poor, homeless and housed, with awe and fear?

Look, these grids a vital cog in my processing and coping with the arrival of the clusterfuck I've been expecting for decades and sorting and resorting boxes, with ever more content to sort daily in my skull but the same limited infinite space to sort into, so the compulsive grids more compulsive than ever
Here, from William Gass' The Tunnel, posted every year here in celebration of his birthday, my favorite three sentences, is me, tattoed, engrained, bedded and embedded in my me
"The other large carton unpacked in the same way - box into box - but the feeling it gave me was the opposite of that suggested by the endless nest of Russians dollies it otherwise resembled, for what I was opening was a den of spaces which now covered the floor near my feet. It was plain that every ten-by-ten-by eight container contained cubes which were nine by nine by seven, and eight by eight by six, and seven by seven by five, and so on down to three by three by two, as well as many smaller, thinly sided one at every interval in between, so that out of one box a million more might multiply, confirming Zeno's view, although at that age, with an unfurnished mind, I couldn't have known of his paradoxes let alone have been able to describe one with any succinctness. What I had discovered is that every space contains more space than the space it contains"
Far too frequent reminder that when my daughter is my age as I type this it will be 2058, the Earth will still be here but will the world?
Cataloging my sins, these grids, a far too frequent reminder that all but two posts per year as long as this blog's existed tagged My Complicity (unless I fucked up and forgot, another sort of sin)
A far too frequent reminder that my life trajectory slothrops American empire, all my joints ache, especially the weight-bearing ones, I lose my balance like a toddler, I still think my better disc-golfing days ahead all I need is buy the perfect putter, I'm Rabbit dressed as Uncle Sam having a heart attack marching in the 4th of July parade, ETA of clutch-and-fall TBD but soon
I canvassed for Kerry in Harrisburg on Election Day 2004, this is all my fault, I did not have my apostasy until the third week of the first Obamasshole admin, this is all my fault
This not about my political impotence, this about my Foolishness & Toolishness, what I'm going to do when Act or Cower choice finally and fatefully needs made, that people are warning me to desist and delete means I might need to make a for real political decision with consequences for the first time in my life
All too frequent reminder: major bleggalgazes often result in blockage and in every case I don't think that's my motive though not dissatified with result
This is true: when I make hexjeffs I am oriented one way first composition so canvas can dry without me fucking it up and in almost every case, including the below, what incidentally was the upside-down ends up the right-side up (though they're meant to spin), for instance the below
Forgive me, making these things helps me cope most

It’s The End of the American Era. Period
"To meaningfully oppose real power is not to take some special stance toward Donald Trump, or any other individual empire manager for that matter. The abuses of the empire aren't the product of any one individual, but rather the inevitable fruits of the systems and practices that the empire is premised upon. Capitalism. Imperialism. Hegemonic control. Plutocracy. Militarism. Ecocide. Exploitation. Extraction. Authoritarianism. Propaganda"
Step One: Acknowledge the constitutional crisis. What’s Step Two?
"There's a strong argument that if every single Dem Party lifer in DC - every politician, staffer, advocate, think tanker, media influencer, pundit etc - just resigned, it would actually be better for party renewal & the world & would certainly not be worse than it is right now. An entire generation of the Democrats' professional political class has made a great living in the capital absolutely failing to prevent - and in many cases, actually facilitating - what we're now living through. It's time to just say that out loud and admit it"
Democrats ‘Pissed’ at Constituents for Asking Literally Anything of Them
"Hakeem Jeffries and congressional Dems are finally getting angry and fighting back…against grassroots democrats who are flooding their office with calls to stand up to Trump/Elon. These pathetic losers are irritated that voters want to see them actually show some life as the richest man on the planet steals our government"
"Establishment Democrats would rather let fascism spread than risk losing their bribes"
"House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries announces Rapid Response Task Force co-chaired by 81 year old congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, congressmen Gerry Connolly (74) and Jamie Raskin (62)"
"We Have Found the Anti-Trump Democratic Resistance and They Are..."
"Peak Democrat brain here. That horrendous thing Republicans are doing? We would also do it, but competently. Same thing Schumer said after the Trump tax cuts, the Dem line on deportations, the mainstream Dem position on the Iraq war. Lather, rinse, repeat, as needed"
"She got rich as a corporate lawyer before becoming a senator. Then she slandered Bernie on behalf of the oligarchs in order to midwife the Biden presidency. How many are dead in Ukraine and Gaza due to the Biden administration?"
"Bidenomics foundered on ten years of Democratic reluctance to declare war on inequality"
"Nothing makes Establishment Democrats feel more 5-D chessplayer clever than playing the "we'll hit the Republicans from the right" game. It never works, no one ever falls for it, but that won't stop 'em. Because it pays off when the revolving door calls"
The Not-So-Strange Paradox of American Power and Dysfunction
How the West uses sexual violence to advance its interests
"Trump doesn't realize that he's telling Sisi and Abdullah: "Remember how Gaddafi died after being kicked out of power & getting sodomized by a bayonet? Then his body was displayed in a public freezer for days? I'd like you to sign onto my plan that can make that happen for you!"
"The US and its NATO cronies plan to kill vast numbers of people all over the world this century to get their hands on the resources they need to maintain their wealth and domination. It is essential to boycott, isolate, and weaken these nations before it’s too late"
Imperialism (Still) Rules"Why would a billionaire steal more money?” has to be the dumbest question in history
"I Don't Wanna Live In The Modern World"
The far right, the left, and the trap of electoral politics
Elon Musk’s Companies Were Under Investigation by Five Inspectors General When the Trump Administration Fired Them and Made Musk the Investigator
American professional soccer refuses to build a pyramid with promotions and relegations, a very fine metaphor for America itself
On Fredric Jameson’s pedagogyScience Will Not Save Us
"This is disinformation that is not Kate Bush it is Kathy Acker in a wig"
A Loving Caw from a Nameless Friend
The Top 100 Albums of the 1970s?
Mclusky's first album in twenty years!
There is a new William Tyler album out soon!
Missing Bryce's marbles in blender show, for years Fridays noon to three on WFMU? He's now on East Village Radio
Yesterday was Gabriel's 75th birthday, a far too frequent reminder that Car, Scratch, Melt, and Security major gateway drugs for 18 to 23 year old me several lifetimes ago


Tom Sleigh

But where, oh where is the holy idiot,
truth teller and soothsayer, familiar

of spirits, rat eater, unhouseled wanderer
whose garble and babble fill rich and poor,

homeless and housed, with awe and fear?
Is he hiding in the pit of the walkie-talkie,

its grid of holes insatiably hungry,
almost like a baby, sucking in the police sergeant's

quiet voice as he calls in reinforcements?
Oh holy idiot, is that you sniffing the wind

for the warm turd smell on the mounted policemen
backing their horses' quivering, skittish

haunches into the demonstrators' faces?
Oh little village among the villages,

the wild man, the holy Bedlamite is gone,
and nobody, now, knows where to find him...

Lying in mud? lying caked in mud, hair elfed into knots?
Some poor mad Tom roving the heath

for a warm soft place to lie his body down,
his speech obsessed with oaths, demons,

his tongue calling forth the Foul Fiend, Flibbertigibbet
as the horses back slowly, slowly into the crowd

and he eats filth, he crams his ravenous mouth with filth—
and then he sits on his stool in the trampled hay

and deep-rutted mud, he anoints himself
with ashes and clay, he puts on his crown

of fumiter weed and holds his scepter
of a smouldering poker and calls the court to order.

Monday, February 10, 2025

I fucking depended on you and you left the fucking wheelbarrow out and it's fucking raining and now the white chickens are fucking filthy

In good news I'm in love with my beloved Seneca Disc Golf Course again, twice in three days, 54 holes, yesterday with SeatSix, Dr Z a windwussy. I birdied Hole 5 with my magenta Roc from ninety feet, not many twos with my arm at Seneca, if you disc and you're ever near you need to. I'll show you the course. I want a star plastic Aviar 170g that looks like my mood and unpeaceful mind

cause it's a self-portrait, I want to see the putter curse the putter when the putter doinks the putter a quarter-inch short of dead center basket not each but most every time, plus I'm down to red, black, and white acrylic ink and gouache, blckdgrd me, wasn't planned but not an accident, fine metaphors abound, as always the grid is part of the monologue and the post is a poem

Now is the time of morons
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu poses for a picture with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and other members of the U.S. Congress, at the U.S. Capitol in Washington. Photo by Kent Nishimura"
THIS motherfucking crackerchrister the most evil and dangerous of all of Trump's henchmen
THIS motherfucking crackerchrister the most evil and dangerous of all of Trump's henchmen
"We share the pathologies of all dying empires with their mixture of buffoonery, rampant corruption, military fiascos, economic collapse and savage state repression"
"All these "Hey, Dearborn how you doing now?" folks are doing is simultaneously acknowledging that the Genocide cost Harris the election and that they were too cowardly to do anything about it when it mattered."
Arab Regimes and the Betrayal of Palestine
Elon Musk’s Revolutionary Terror
Musk’s Impossible Power Grab And America’s Crisis
Trump Purges Inspectors General Investigating Musk’s Businesses
The Private Equity Hatchet Man Leading the Lost Boys of DOGE
That Social Security and Medicare, both of which I've paid into every paycheck the last FIFTY years, have been successfully and permanently branded "entitlements* is Shitlord psyops greatest and most taken for granted success
"What feels more specific to our time is the extent to which our leaders have responded to a moment of severe and proliferating crisis by regressing into a childlike state, and encouraging their followers to do the same"
More thoughts on Trump’s big dumb nudges
Palantir’s Billionaire CEO Just Can’t Stop Talking About Killing People
Chemical Companies Ask Trump’s EPA To Hide Potential Disasters
How Tech Billionaires Aligned with Misogyny and MAGA
The many grievances of a MAGA influencer
"Preemptive surrender & strategic feebleness are adaptive traits for Democratic Party success, it’s their role in our choreographed democracy"
Counterpoint: Senate Democrats knew exactly what McConnell was doing and enabled it with their performative fecklessness (and were lucratively rewarded)
"The Democratic Party in its current state is not equipped to take on the Trump-Musk corruption because it engages in the same corruption"
Today in I. Hate. Motherfucking. Democrats
"Never forget it was Barack Obama who signed a national security order so the United States government can propagandize its own people"
The Media Language of Police Killings
World's Fourth Largest Lake Now a Deadly Desert
Don't need remindingQuiet part outloud
I am not anti-christian, I am anti-christer, the fear-driven morons who want to eradicate me and anyone and everyone who knows they are fear-driven morons and (know the fear-driven morons *know* they are fear-driven morons) hate anyone and everyone not a fear-driven moron with the narrow vindicativeness of their genocidal god
"Trans people and immigrants didn't make your rent go up. Billionaire-owned private equity firms buying up all the single family homes did"
Avoiding Outrage Fatigue while Staying Informed
"Why do they hero-worship a huckster?"
Witness is not enoughHow to measure famine
"Vance set an easy trap that everyone fell for, again. We should be focused on Trump giving the world's richest oligarch control over the flow of trillions of our dollars. Instead we're having an undergrad debate about racism & PC culture. Works every time"
Cabaret faschitudeTrump unleashes the ultra–Zionists
Shitlord paradise is a police state
"Who Else Wants Access To Apple Users' Encrypted Data?"
Resisting Digital FeudalismPhilosophical Rupture
American College Helmetball Couldn’t Exist Without Structural Coercion
The End of “END RACISM” in the End Zone
It’s Super Bowl Sunday, and now that racism has ended, all we need is love
Maggie'sAn Ecological Civilization Will Have to Be Socialist
Insidious and invidiousCarrot and chickpea "tuna" melts
Four of the most diverse cities in Trumpistan are in MOCO, including the one I grew up in
Reminder: @blckdgrd dot bsky dot social
Signifying nothing more than if you're there and we follow each other elsewhere but not there yet, if you want, let me know and bump
{ feuilleton }Emily Dickinson’s Herbarium: A Beautiful Digital Edition of the Poet’s Pressed Plants & Flowers Is Now Online
RIP Tom Robbins, I hadn't thought of him in decades, but he was a gateway novelist in my teens, not important but noteworthy
"In Memory of James Wright, Whose Poem I Ate"
The Strange World of.... FUGAZIPlease don't reunite
*Wish* is what happens when a daring, visionary rock band starts slowing down
I am stupid for sillyass power pop songs like


Mary Ruefle

I fucking depended on you and
you left the fucking wheelbarrow
out and it's fucking raining
and now the white chickens
are fucking filthy