That kitten performed her ass off yesterday to get me take her home at the Adopt-A-Cat windows of a corporate pet supply chain. We needed an orange bag of ridiculously priced cat food for the Ferals and a green bag of ridiculously priced diet cat food for the indoor fatties. It took all my heartlessness to not take her home.
I didn't buy anything for Clops - and he's ours, just when yet not sure, and I need to know he's healthy but the eye, know that the wound is totally healed; why buy food before talking to the vet? The woman on duty in cat adoption asked me, how many do you already have, I said seven, soon to be eight, and she laughed in spirit. HEY! why don't you adopt a cat this week and make two mortal and lonely creatures lives nicer, fuller, please?
Or what? Clops gonna cost me a thousand in immediate costs and thousands over the course of a lame lifetime, I'm not going to take him? Fuck it, put him to death?
See? I could only go two days before bringing The Clusterfuck back to blog.
- Obamahoover.
- Lesser evilism.
- The rationale.
- Pussies at war.
- Kill Social Security to save porn.
- False conventional wisdom in the UK too.
- Reagan mythology.
- The antichrist to our community.
- Let it bleed.
- Not so good categories the U.S. wins!
- Rhetorical question.
- Time to panic.
- The anti-communist industry.
- Promoting war. And why would Panetta make this statement for a mid-Summer Saturday news cycle?
- Fuckface: The well-focused candidate.
- Punishment beating.
- Should Maryland absorb DC? Never happen.
- More on multiplicity.
- I'm halfway through the first of the trilogy. Something's happening. I'm resisting but persisting. I don't not read stuff like this by choice but by inability. Something's happening.
- Tangibility of the word. I finished Silliman's Age of Huts about a month ago before the UK trip, taking a break before starting Tjanting, then the Alphabet. The power of echoes, holyfuck.
- Under my nose.
- Leader of incredibly shitty band covers incredibly shitty band's incredibly shittiest song. Motherfucking shoot me if I ever have to hear this.
- Laced.
- Another Sleater-Kinney fan! (My Carrie Brownstein crush is still awesome.)
- Why Guided by Voices still matters? This shitty blog's Theme Song 3:
Lloyd Schwartz
yes no maybe sometimes always never Never? Yes. Always? No. Sometimes? Maybe— maybe never sometimes. Yes— no always: always maybe. No— never yes. Sometimes, sometimes (always) yes. Maybe never . . . No, no— sometimes. Never. Always? Maybe. Yes— yes no maybe sometimes always never.
why don't you adopt a cat this week
ReplyDeleteBecause I'm done with them, and I like breathing. The nicest thing I have to say about them now is that they're not dogs.
Alex Pareene spelled "The War Criminal Post" wrong.
"why don't you adopt a cat this week"
ReplyDeleteBecause I'm horribly allergic and they produce nearly instant asthma attacks.
The GbV bursts are always good!
ReplyDeleteThe Ian Welsh entry and many of the comments made me shiver.
MD absorb DC? Ask native Virginians (south of Manassas) how they feel about VA absorbing its part of DC way back when. Statehood for DC is the only sensible thing but that would require some legal machinations that some would find bizarre if not "impossible." (their word)
In reality news... I never visit the dog shelter because I'd bring one home every time. But never a bioaccessory dog, those things can be put down constantly and I'd feel nothing.
We'll be getting a dog from rescue once Planet is off to college and we figure out some sort of routine in her absence. Wouldn't be fair to us or the dog until then.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I'm sure Southside wishes Arlington County wasn't in Virginia.
Who elevates these bands, Mr. Red. I mean, they must market test them first, right? So - who is the market that makes Fleet Foxes and that shitty canadian duo into sensations?
ReplyDeleteIs it hipsters?
Seriously, I'm still stuck in the 70s and Scandi death metal. I have no map for this brave new terrain.
I get how Zeppelin made it. They fucking slogged through years of non-stop heavy touring. And Jimmy's sloppy guitar works with Plant's voice.
It works. Altogether and all at one. "Black Mountain Side" still plays. It carries its age and its datedness into the present, and it works.
Fleet Foxes doesn't work. It's like Seals and Croft's suicide music was brought back from the dead, barely animated with whatever zombie juice informs the population of bad Milla Jojovich movies, then given a week's supply of heroin in order to bring it as close as possible backwards to the point of death...
I'm gonna post your comment and questions tomorrow to see if others might react. I'll say something like "my problem with bands like Fleet Foxes and The Decembrists and Fitz and the Tantrums is that they're shitty tribute bands of shitty bands I never liked in the first place, but more, it's being told these bands and acts are cutting-edge indie that bugs me. DeVotchka? Beirut? *Arcade Fire* is better than all these acts," though now I think I'll just link to *this* comment.
ReplyDeleteTo be fair, I'm sure I'm guilty of liking current tribute bands for the same reason, with the important distinction that the bands I liked then didn't suck, and lordy, does Fleet Foxes suck.
O? Have I ever mentioned how much I hate blooger's inability to edit comments, cause I do.
Oops, sorry. I meant the inability to edit my comments for typos that pisses me off. I'd not edit anyone's other than mine.
ReplyDeleteI did look in spam and it wasn't there. You're always welcome to comment here, you who asked.
I am with you on Fleet Foxes, etc, etc. But I love the Decemberists. I can't defend it though.
ReplyDeleteAs for Sleater Kinney- I'd give up dudes for Corin Tucker. There is supposedly a new album coming out- at least that's what the dingleberry on KEXP said last weekend. (I *may* have been seriously hungover and misheard).
There is a very good reason for me to send the Ball n' Chain to the local pet store for specific things only they sell- My bleeding heart, leftwing ass would always come home with yet another of the world's cast-offs.
ReplyDeleteFleet Foxes...gah. Skip them. What do they offer, but cheap nostalgia for memories held not by the listeners, but by the listeners' parents.
ReplyDelete"Oh that's so cool, they're FOLKY." As if acoustic music died with the iPhone or something.
Decemberists? Pretense taken to high levels, perhaps the highest ever. Colin Meloy is a fop, a pretentious, fey, affected-accent-cuz-he-wishes-he-was-born-in-seacoast-rural-England-1723-instead-of-Helena-Montana-1971. And the name... as if they are revolutionary. What fucking hollowness! Meloy used to wait the counter at a local bakery. He puts his pants on one leg at a time too -- or, I guess, his pantaloons. /rolleyes
What makes them "popular" is the same thing that made the Head Cheerleader "popular" in HS.