Sunday, July 29, 2012
United 1, Paris St Germain 1
That's first intermission, at the 22 minute mark, forty-five minute stoppage for lightning. Every season Baal requires at least one United game be interrupted by weather. As for the game, friendlies serve to remind that MLS athletes are smaller, weaker, slower than athletes of top flight European league teams. DeRossario can say If we can play with PSG, we can play with any team. Saying that, we just have to show up and play with that same confidence, but PSG opened United like a carp's belly with shocking ease the first ten minutes then parked the bus the remaining 80. This is not a complaint, just an observation - there's a reason a 32 year old Tim Cahill moves from Everton to Metros, not visa versa. This is not to denigrate the joyousness of attending professional soccer games in my city. It's love of course. Here's the second intermission, the standard soccer halftime. Look for Fleabus.
Ask Fleabus,
My Complicity