Thanks for the Kind words re: this. That's how I did things once. I stopped. I've started again. I've theories why both the stop and restart. If I write about them I'll write about them that way and if I do write about them that way I'll post them here, not there. That? A whole separate though related set of theories. Second use, this post, new tag Mememe.
- Sunday am nasty. davidly has playlist (and thanks for Kind words). His post? Reminded me I love Julie Doiron.
- What to expect when Campus Watch smears you.
- White supremacy and magic paper.
- Thank you for your service.
- Satori Sale 1.99.
- The aesthetics of politics.
- Try to forget.
- The iron logic of America's Middle East madness.
- Beyond gaming.
- { feuilleton }'s weekly links.
- Digression as reply.
Jessica Fjeld
In a famous painting of a founding father
and the back end of a horse
it’s the horse butt that’s properly lit
groomed out smooth an immortal peach
Who can say what it means about revolution
that the horse’s tail emerges as though it had no bones in it
no chunky mechanics of the living
And the horse is not well muscled
but has been living in the rich grass
swollen like a birthday balloon