- Click, yo.
- Starting a run of a week of Egoslavian Holy Days tomorrow.
- I rediscovered pencils before I discovered this year's model of my favorite bleedworthy pens no longer bleedworthy, I've the order form from when I ordered the packs of pens and boxes of pencils, bless Serendipity whether it loving or cruel.
- The World Is in Pencil.
- Let's have ice cream at the junkyard.
- Today's valuable duh: the role of politicians in an oligarchy.
- He got it backwards, I said to a Bernieperson, the dope pledged allegiance to the DNC fully aware what the DNC is and does at start of campaign, bitching now about what the DNC is and does makes him look the bitter uncle at Thanksgiving he was trying to avoid being when he stupidly pledged allegiance to the motherfucking DNC in the first place. Fuck you, said Bernieperson.
- Vince Foster? said my exasperated pro-Hillary Colleague, Trump's bringing up Vince Foster and Whitewater? You didn't think, I said, the Clinton Syndicate knew it was going to make us all live the motherfucking 1990s all over again? The Democratic Party could have spent the last eight years grooming a new generation of Clinton operative that was not Clinton herself, like that was even debated. Vince Foster? HC said. Trump's going to win, I said. Fuck you, HC said.
- For the record, I call bullshit on the Bernie / Hillary are at war meme. Bullshit.
- A theory of pundit wars: on twitter and blogging and inevitable assholity.
- The birthplace of the artist. HEY! Look, dammit, you'll be glad.
- Serendipitous, ▲ , lines of late interest me.
- Frances' article on FLOTUS in ABQ.
- The Special One and Ibra at Old Trafford? I have to not hate Man Utd?
- On stones and poetry.
- Written with a Pencil in Lorine Niedecker's Front Yard.
Clark Coolidge
When you get in on a try you never learn it back
umpteen times the tenth part of a featured world
in black and in back it’s roses and fostered nail
bite rhyme sling slang, a song that teaches without
travail of the tale, the one you longing live
and singing burn
It’s insane to remain a trope, of a rinsing out
or a ringing whatever, it’s those bells that . . .
and other riskier small day and fain would be
of the soap a sky dares
but we remand,
that we a clasp of the silence you and I, all of
tiny sphering rates back, I say to told wall, back
and back and leave my edge, and add an L
Night is so enclosed we’ll never turn its page
its eye, can be mine will be yours, to see all the people
the underneath livid reaching part and past of the lying buildings
the overreacher stops and starts, at in his head, in
in her rhythm
that knowledge is past all of us, so we flare and tap
and top it right up, constant engage and flap in on
keeping pace, our whelming rift, and soil and gleam
and give back the voice, like those eary dead
Step down off our whelm lessons and shortly fired
enter the bristle strum of Corrosion Kingdom
where the last comes by first ever ring, every
race through that tunnel of sun drop and pencil
in the margins of a flare, of higher wish than dare,
the stroked calmings of a line will spin and chime
in blue quicks of a dream blues, the chores
of those whispering gone crenulations
To meet a care is to dial redeem
and we limp in the time sound balms
so out of kilter is my name in the sun, and I win
in the moon and you sing in that other spelling of win
the way a blue is never singular