I had seen no reports Ashbery's health turned, but 90 is 90.
90? I'll down-payment a guaranteed 90 if for no other reason the world will still exist in 2049.
2049 is two years after the year my daughter will be my age today.
What world will that be? I'm out my money?
An old gag, so old I forget which Ashbery poem tripped the trap the first time.
Trick questions.
Odds're good my arithmetic is off.
It's the ferns. We both saw it yesterday. Here, Shenandoah, Maine, the ferns, fernier.
Lushest, most vibrantly colorful summer woods in our collective memory!
Since the last until the next.
We went south from Hamburg on Catoctin Blue. Three miles at crossroad to loop right old entrance sign to Frederick Watershed. I walked uphill to read it and, phone in pocket, it didn't occur to me to take a photo and post it here, the fuck is wrong with me?
I need wear blaze orange hiking Frederick Watershed Sept 15 to January 15, yo.