Tough Shit, Slappy
Above, here .
Manic phase.
Bad news: I'm writing again, as in tablets, ink, washes, words.
I've kept it from here, I've kept it from there , at least the tablets, ink, and washes.
Kept this post to the Sunday of a four day holiday weekend, so restraint of sorts.
Good news: while I rescind my promise to not post tablet, ink, washes here , doesn't feel imminent.
Barking about Clusterfuck? Is on.
I promise to get through this Up and the following Down before posting tablet, ink, washes.
Here's Olive last night in a basket.
Reminder: Triskelions LOVE current trajectories of Clusterfuckery have them giddy with greed.
Reminder: who profits from loud debate over the unexamined brutality of the male libido ?
In the Assholocene everything inoculates Triskelions.
Impotent anger overflow.
Had lunch Friday with a Hillaryite Colleague rapt with her Clintonian apostasies.
dinner at my brother-in-laws, his wife, a Hillaryite activist, rapt with Clintonian
Both yodeled, What are we gonna do?
I said, comply.
> Deleted further yodeling, both in real life and here. <
The Death of Homo Economicus .
Perfectly normal .
The pathological psychology of western capitalism .
Criminalizing poverty .
The Modern Epic of Denunciation .
Some facts about shopping local .
Google does Evil .
My free bleeging plotfarm is google .
My free blugging flotparm shows centered bullets wysiwyg but not published, fuckers.
So what am I going to do? Shut shop and move?
Someone yesterday tweeted Do Chick-Fil-A drive-through servers always offer praise for Jesus with each meal, and I tweeted back, Don't eat at Chick-Fil-A. So fuck me.
My friend & family email is gmail but changing that wouldn't be huge,
but my how I do business online is gmail, and changing that would suckuhuhsuck.
My work email is google. I don't even have a choice
Move to where?
> Deleted further yodeling.<
The movement to replace neoliberalism ?
The disappearing right to earn a living ?
There are no safe spaces .
Maggie's weekly links .
(Not mine) Bleggalgaze .
Incipient Light .
{ feuilleton }'s weekly links.
Here's today's poem , though post title taken from flow chart above.
The words "flow chart" require I post a link to an Ashbery poem too.
On saying thanks .
Write on.