- Purple milkweed, meadows, Little Bennett, yesterday w Earthgirl.
- Terror on a moonless night.
- Slavery, immigration, civil disobedience.
- Welcome the Stranger.
- This is your daughter's labor movement.
- Maggie's weekly links.
- Escape route.
- Q and A.
- { feuilleton }'s weekly links.
- UPDATE! There's a blegsaga re: link that was here, I'll keep to myself, but all is caste.
- Re: poem below - there is a 51% chance my new Don't Go Blind medicine will turn the whites of my eyes firetruck red within two weeks. I hope it doesn't. I hope it does. Fine metaphors abound.
- Just tweeted out, The Story of Here Comes the Flood, blessed Serendipity, I listened to Car this past Saturday.
Pjoepf of Vriecyh
Been RXed new drops.
My ophthalmologist in
sists this new medi
cine will stunt my glau
coma, I guess I will see,
eyes' white stoplight red.