- One person tells me I should be grateful for googlebots, it brings pings, another person tells I should worry about googlebots, it brings scrutiny, I say Death to the Either/Or.
- I have been steadily googlebotted for two and a half weeks now, thousands of hits a day, the fuck.
- Above from this post, not googlebotted more than any other but the second most googled post - the term statis is adjective.
- My theory of human suckfulness based on effing $.99ocene, but buy the ebook anyway.
- Reminder: professional Republicans ARE pighappy assholes
- professional Democrats are the motherfucking winches
- I am telling you three times, this motherfucker will never fuck off to the sea
- he is posterchild proof, he broke kayfabe long before Trump.
- We are ruled by sociopaths.
- The radical feminism of Andrea Dworkin.
- This the most googled post, on the terms tunnel-vision drunk, has photo of Rudy, photo of Hamster.
- Maggie's weekly links.
- { feuilleton }'s weekly links.
- Writing about Sex(X).
- I've used that static in past to symbolize bleggalgazing angst, not so now, I want to know how I can use it as a canvas to type on, a form, I suppose, of bleggalgazing angst.
Lynn Emanuel
Outside the window the McGill smelter
sent a red dust down on the smoking yards of copper,
on the railroad tracks’ frayed ends disappeared
into the congestion of the afternoon. Ely lay dull
and scuffed: a miner’s boot toe worn away and dim,
while my mother knelt before the Philco to coax
the detonation from the static. From the Las Vegas
Tonapah Artillery and Gunnery Range the sound
of the atom bomb came biting like a swarm
of bees. We sat in the hot Nevada dark, delighted,
when the switch was tripped and the bomb hoisted
up its silky, hooded, glittering, uncoiling length;
it hissed and spit, it sizzled like a poker in a toddy.
The bomb was no mind and all body; it sent a fire
of static down the spine. In the dark it glowed like the coils
of an electric stove. It stripped every leaf from every
branch until a willow by a creek was a bouquet
of switches resinous, naked, flexible, and fine.
Bathed in the light of KDWN, Las Vegas,
my crouched mother looked radioactive, swampy,
glaucous, like something from the Planet Krypton.
In the suave, brilliant wattage of the bomb, we were
not poor. In the atom’s fizz and pop we heard possibility
uncorked. Taffeta wraps whispered on davenports.
A new planet bloomed above us; in its light
the stumps of cut pine gleamed like dinner plates.
The world was beginning all over again, fresh and hot;
we could have anything we wanted.