- New me at other me
- I must confess, I hit my wall yesterday/today
- We were in the woods both Saturday and Sunday (which makes today's dark more puzzling)
- Tomorrow a Double High Holy Day, this post is living, new links added (or not), more bdrk added (or not)
- *BDRK*: it took 2019 I make that a noun?
- bdrk me, now it's a verb
- Old me:
- Here, the rest of your weekend links:
- UPDATE! Behemoth rises again: Adorno also warned that the afterlife of fascist tendencies within democracy is more dangerous than the afterlife of fascist tendencies against democracy.
- The little picture book of snarky snippets
- On Democrats: God help us
- UPDATE! It was *never* Mueller time: Trump cannot be defeated by some j’accuse moment in a hearing room, because he cannot be beaten on television. He is television, the brutal, stupid American id: a stupid demiurge of shameless, mugging attention addiction, who can turn any grotesque, pie-faced pratfall into ratings. That House Democratic leadership imagined they could bully this shambolic vulgarian into early retirement by conducting a colloquy with a laconic, gray-faced retiree suggests a group who are as collectively deluded as any QAnon dingbat scouring the internet for signs and portents of the ever-arriving, apocalyptic reckoning with all the villains and malefactors of the great satanic world order.
- What progressives hopefully learned from Russiagate
- Real Americans
- UPDATE! People who think the cops are doing this to be nice
- Maggie's weekly links
- UPDATE! Why no Metro station in Georgetown v Urban Legion
- How did I not know about this bookstore in Clarksburg, for fucks sake we hiked Little Bennett yesterday, could have stopped in
- UPDATE! 26 possible outcomes
- Truth
- Wisdom about record (and book) reviews
- { feuilleton )'s weekly links
- We are not climbing up the gorge to Cadillac today
W.S. Merwin
When it is time I follow the black dog
into the darkness that is the mind of the day
I can see nothing there but the black dog
the dog I know going ahead of me
not looking back oh it is the black dog
I trust now in my turn after the years
when I had all the trust of the black dog
through an age of brightness and through shadow
on into the blindness of the black dog
where the rooms of the dark were already known
and had no fear of them for the black dog
leading me carefully up the blind stairs