- I replied to a twitter eminence's tweet re: Death of Nog, I typed and sent it spontaneously because serendipitously Nog's dad Rom had been discussed jokingly earlier this week re: Bashir and why isn't important
- Re: addressing twitter eminences see post title
- Said twitter eminence (who did me a Kind back in 2009, 20K pings in an hour from one bump on his blog) et al all super-anti-pelosi blurting
- That Trump didn't ask Ukraine to investigate Bernie Sanders tells you everything you already know
- that is, don't tweet at my twitter eminences, jeffass
- Resentment epidemic
- The 100 Best Books of the 21st Century, London edition
- The 100 Best Books of the 21st Century, Jacksonville edition
- American sociopath rulers envy the designated hitter rule in less purportedly open societies
- Democracy may not exist but we'll miss it when it's gone
- Climate change and the calculus of our sociopath overlords
- Killing the planet one bird at a time
- Obama and the Depression
- Maggie's weekly links
- Nick Cave is 62 today
- Another quick post
- Dietles will never be restored even and especially if it reopens
- He wasn't just a brain in a jar
- Bought Ducks, Newburyport last night, next, or maybe I should put something between Milkman (almost done, meh, mostly, after a promising start) and Ducks, but gonna try Ducks
- Polar Bodies
- A (not my) bleggalgaze
- Review of Ruefle's *Dunce,* I've read it twice, wish I liked it more
- { feuilleton }'s weekly links
- New album of previously unreleased Leonard Cohen songs, Cohen born 85 years ago yesterday
Bill Knott
up to one without
first cutting off
nine of my fingers