Tom Clark
The cry of a lost soul clowning yet meaning it
Shatters the silence of the planetarium
But the sky isn't falling. No wolf's at the door.
Still there's that echoing voice. Watchman, what of the night?
It's spherical, inky, and as big as Kansas.
The moon is not quite round. Several starts come out
of the backdrop and simulate topology,
It's spherical, inky, and as big as Kansas.
The moon is not quite round. Several starts come out
of the backdrop and simulate topology,
Boring as old photos are yet absorbing as
They also are - potentially embarrassing
Like real people, who, when they confront themselves
With the dolorous anthems of that humdrum
They also are - potentially embarrassing
Like real people, who, when they confront themselves
With the dolorous anthems of that humdrum
Self-awareness tolling in the middle distance,
Dismiss its alarums as mere background noise,
The cry of a lost soul clowning but meaning it.