Stanley, Olive, crow, side porch, Tuesday, gif by C, home then home no more though we leave to spend a week in Michigan with her next Saturday
I am reminded I have an I problem with I, my son-in-law, in the new naming rules I arbitrarily imposed, though I'm very much looking forward to seeing I too!
We got into the three Goldsworthy stone sheds at Glenstone today, the wood is milled from fallen trees from the campus, he built the houses with stones quarried in Cabin John, in one of them a giant clay ball formed from the clay in and around Greenbrier Branch, the house in the creek's floodplane
R, maybe, second letter of first name and first letter of last name
The orb did not actually glow (though the light versus dark true), the only source of light in the shed an overcast sky through a six square foot window above an open door, my phone did what it did with what it had
To help slow gravity's inevitable orb-droopage Goldsworthy mixed human hair donated by poshy Potomac hair salons (did I tell you Glenstone a private museum and meadow campus owned by a guy worth in excess of seven billion dollars, they do not charge admission, I'm sure the county gave him ample reasons to be a non-profit (he does live on the land))
All posts but two a year tagged My Complicity
The second Goldworthy house featured the clayed walls, I urge you to go see it but the third Goldsworthy shed, o! it's where he got orb's clay
1/the piece you link to on insults and politics refers to william cobbett, once a well known man of letters