Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Illicit Coagulability

For fifty years me and people who think like me have screamed crackers and especially christers are vicious vindicative violent and vengeful zealots who delight in delivering your eternity in hell more than working towards their eternity in heaven. This evil, literally evil, m**********r, for instance.
I am the crazy one, canary weathervane cassandra fool, ask anyone, the one who won't let it go and goes on and on about it in an hectoring condescending tone, it's true, I *do* actively try to squelch but not this dog
Crckrchrstrfucks've told you forever what they would do if shitlords would just give them the keys to haunt and torment your life in exchange for new victorious sacred kitsch praising their own enshittification
You don't need this reiterated, but I do

"Nobody who's saying "Haha you idiots should have voted for Kamala to protect the Palestinians" has ever supported the Palestinians. These are all the same people who spent last year telling everyone to shut up about Gaza and stop opposing an active genocide. They can get fucked"
"It’s truly astonishing the extent to which people who work for the Democratic Party are willing to pick a disgusting, racist fight instead of ever try to win an election again. Pathetic party"
"Biden/Harris dead enders openly cheering for Trump to finish their genocide to pwn the left"
"If any of you were tricked by Biden, Harris, Trump, Netanyahu, Dems, GOP, MIC, media, etc. into turning a blind eye to genocide for whatever reason, then you should show some humility and read a book called Manufacturing Consent by Edward Herman & Noam Chomsky"
Thirty years of Middle East lies just keep coming back to haunt us
Trump Goes All-In On Stealing Gaza For His Zionist Owners
"White liberals doing this “gotcha” thing in the face of half a million dead under Biden/Harris are the lowest of the low. Absolute trash"
Capitalism versus Democracy"Growing up, I was told that the demise of Christianity would be caused by our country rejecting God. Now I believe it is actually caused by Christians blatantly rejecting the teachings of Jesus for the sake of political power"
How Elon Musk Was Infected with the MAGA Mind-Virus
The Barbarians Are Coming Today
The Supreme Court Invited Trump to Defy It
ThurmontOrganized Abandonment
The Power of NamingTOM RAWORTH!
We Are Meek and We Shall Inherit No Earth
2talesJohn HiattThe birth of naturalism
The Seen and the Unseen in Pieter Bruegel the Elder and William Carlos Williams
Henry James (for those of you who do - I don't)
Robert Coover (for those of you who do, like me!)
There's a new Destroyer album out end of March
I am totally underwhelmed by the first two songs released, I am so fucking sideways
Rest in Peace, Susan Alcorn


Tom Raworth

forgotten monkey amber
delights my introspection

but bubble massive armour
fermentation magnet arc

geek motherfucker instinct
fix mitochondria a

generous martini ice-cream
further messages arrive

germ mail illustrated
flashes medical alert

gone mental incandescence
flames melodically around

glitz mercury illicit


  1. 1/those are hexjeffs worth looking it

    2/the preposterous gaza redevelopment proposal is probably just distraction, using a flashbang to divert attention from musk's seizure of the treasury's IT - but could they go through with it? it no longer seems impossible

    3/let's hope we and the people we meet today act justly, are kind, and don't get too puffed up

    4/In Douglas Preston's book Talking to the Ground a Navajo spiritual leader tells him

    the Earth has said ‘Have patience, there is no way you can stop this turn, this cycle. The world is already unbalanced. It’s already on its way, going full momentum. And in this manner, when the world ends, you will eventually go in a peaceful manner. In a respectful manner. Because you human beings, you may be gone, but the Earth is always here. It will revive itself’

    in my view, the assurance that "you will eventually go in a peaceful manner" was being given to those who accept the advice to have patience

  2. Bark bark bark bark. Gosh; there's sure a lot of crazy-ass shit going on outside -- no surprise whatsoever -- isn't there?

    I used to Henry J., but just can't anymore. Just can't handle the narrative style as much as I used to. The older I get, the more things become, "Fuksake, Joe; cut to the chase! 'He came to the river. The river was there.' I can barely do Conrad, and Trollope's hanging on by his fingerprints. It's like some kind of Arboreal blight: will it destroy Elliot, start to discolor Melville? Fuk.

    But, your evoking the name reminds of my favorite James story: Living in Rye in 1899, he was visited by a young female cousin, named Rosina. They took walks on the seashore.

    On one walk, she commented on how charming she found the jewel in his tie pin. “Jew-el, not 'jool',” James replied. They walked on; the cousin, a bit rebuked, said, “I'm afraid American girls don't speak their vowels distinctly.”

    James responded, “Vow-el, not 'vowl', Rosina.” The cousin was stricken: “Oh, Cousin Henry," she said, tearful, "you are so cruel.” After a beat, James replied, a bit ruefully, “Cru-el, not 'crool', Dear.”

    My source is Leon Edel (who later changed his name to 'Elon Edel'), in the one-volume compendium of his multi-volume doorstopper bio of 'enry. Humph. Tolkien, whom I can't stand -- it's the flatulence, really -- once wrote to a friend that American speech sounded to him like 'English after being wiped over with a dirty sponge.”

    As my Opa might have said, Hast du vorsicht in der welt der Englisch: Be careful out there, among the English.

  3. a first person account from capitol hill - a longtime cybercorrespondent of mine works inside the beltway - for a couple of decades they were in the executive branch, now they are working as a lobbyist for an ngo - a coalition of state and local govts and other interested groups - centered on a topic related to their previous work as a civil servant

    when i got up this morning i saw they had written me at quarter of four this morning - i said - is it because these are exciting times that you were up so late, or so very early? the reply:

    I’ve been on Capitol Hill the last two days leading a group of folks around to talk about [topic area]. And we had a group dinner last night where I had a glass of wine and dessert and as a result I often wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep. Hence the middle of the night email! Normally I’m asleep at that hour. I really shouldn’t drink wine with dinner but I do sometimes and this is what happens!

    As for “exciting times” yes there is a lot of news everyday and throughout the day…..interesting to hear the members of Congress we met with talk about it. A senior Democrat said all the republicans are afraid of the administration. A senior Republican noted that all these changes are just part of the transition. Some democratic staff feel bleak and helpless; others are fired up; the republican staff aren’t sure what is going to happen on anything but they know they’re in the majority and are quiet about all the chaos.

  4. A) Coo-ool HJames anecdote!


    I typed aloud, once or thrice, over the past few years, that it struck me as not-super-implausible that the batshit "liberal 2.0" values (obese supermodels, trans toddlers, pointlessly overreacting lockdowns to destroy local brick and mortar businesses, "chest feeding," pronouns, free shoplifting, and so forth) were all part of a sly scheme to turn all the fence-sitters Rightward. Also, first doddery Biden, then Harris, as candidates (plus that carefully-orchestrated photo opp of an "assassination attempt") seemed blatantly engineered to make Der Bumble Trump a shoe-in (so inevitable the result was barely questioned). Well, part of that must have been the work of people who needed a Batshit Chaos-Generator Patsy-Figurehead under which Gaza Beachfront Condo-topia 2029 could happen bigly/ fastly. Not to mention the collapse of the "old capitalism," the desperate adoption (by formerly well-fed citizens) of UBI, and CBDC, the long-predicted (engineered) rise of China, the retraining of the surviving residue of individualistic Western Serfdom on the no-nonsense Chinese model... it's all happening, at various speeds, on curves of varying diameters. We, The Serfs (average income: under 100 mill a year), are being entertained with giant, portentous brainwashing skits designed to reveal our Foolishly Gullible Serfdom, to ourselves, in relentless, but bafflingly complex, increments.

    Any big ticket writers out there Pynchoning all this into rousingly trumpeting prose to galvanize the Intelligentsia? Nah, the Intelligentsia is busy watching Netflix while chestfeeding.
