Monday, March 24, 2025

to the dog chewing a sock

Even some of the people who post photos of stacks of fat novels with the tag line "last week's reads" on xhitter and skuebly now posting about the worse reading slumps of their lives so it's not just me, have I told you three times we are being reprogrammed, deliberately scrambled, stupidified? Strange, this past weekend, shitlord psyops took the weekend off, no new shittier than ever shitstorm, the hell we being set up for, see, said programming works, where the fuck is my fix? Not just reading slump for me - no reading slump, not as many grids per month and links per grid, it's what I'm thinking about, the reason I can't read, I need to do something when I should be reading a novel or poetry - I'm in a listening slump too, I knew it was me and not the new album but Richard Dawson's new album finally made its way into my brain, and Saturday I hit the basket of Emmitsburg 14 with my teebird teeshot and laughed out loud happily, remembered what that felt like and that I like being happy, it puts a Jane Kenyon poem in my head, today in my complicity

The Dark Enlightenment: the Tech Oligarch Ideology Driving DOGE’s Destruction
THIS is absolutely happening in the near future
Shitlords and your arrest and indefinite imprisonmentShitlords enshittifying your health care
THIS is absolutely happening in the near future
THIS is absolutely happening in the near future
THIS is absolutely happening in the near future
Surrendering to Authoritarianism
Running While Black, Latino or Asian American — Under Trump
This part of the Planned Chaos, wrecking everything, they told you the plan and said they would execute the plan from Day One w emphasis berzerk vengeance and sadism with maximum motive to make enemies cry and the opposition party in America wants to meat (sic) them halfway
"I am against playing dumb. Despite implicit belief to the contrary, there is no requirement within liberal theory that we must play dumb when people lie about or disguise their intentions. Hanania wrote a whole book, glowingly blurbed by Rufo, Cowen, & Thiel, about destroying civil rights laws"
Dude who's worked professionally for decades to make what's happening happen suddenly sad what's happening happening, never forget or forgive these shitstains
The Emotional Stress of Imperial Decline
"It's genuinely terrifying to see how the people who run America are completely out of their minds"
Rape Politics and the Authoritarian Right
White christer nationalists are psychotic and will kill us all
Young men have gone MAGA. Can the left win them back?
Trump’s Attacks on Big Law, Universities, and the Media Have a Common Goal: Silence Dissent Against Authoritarian Rule
Nationalism and Capitalism’s Ever-Spiraling Crisis
"an important thing about Elon's project is that it tries to get you to resent people (government workers, immigrants, educators, etc) who have a minute fraction of what he has, on the grounds that somehow they have too much and their wealth is obscene"
The more you have the less you fight
"In any situation like ours, where a vindictive and dictatorial figure with no regard for law or morality is centralizing power in his own hands, it does not take a crystal ball to know how different groups will respond. It only takes an understanding of incentives, and of human nature. Here is one thing that I feel very confident in saying: The people and institutions in America who have the most will do the least in this fight. Do not be surprised when your search for saviors among the pillars of society fails"
Speech policeThe Destruction of Gaza, Yemen And U.S. Free Speech Are Parts of The Same Project
Trump’s war on public education
The closing of the American minds
Georgetown Postdoc the Latest to Be Detained by ICE as Crackdown on Campus Speech Widens
Guilt by Association: when speech becomes terrorism
The Last Chapter of the Genocide
Is Israel the deep state?Why They Deny It’s a Genocide
1srael doesn’t care about the captives. It always planned to reboot the genocide
1srael Makes Its Most Explicit Statement Of 6enocidal Intent Yet
"Israel is not safe for Jews. It's a death cult for Western imperialism that scapegoats Judaism"
Every single Democratic senator voted to make Marco Rubio Sec of State
"not fearfully compliant. Complicit. Columbia is a hedge fund where classes are taught. Trump gives them excuse to clean house, get donors back. Weiss gets to move on from the brilliant Trump tormentor Marc Pomerantz & start billing the tech bros. Their hand-wringing is theater"
Selfishly, this is good news for us for our upcoming annual two weeks on Mount Desert Island last week of July, first week of August cause Acadia trailhead parking lots usually jammed w cars w Quebec and Ontario plates, laugh
"Abundance Agenda can be best understood as liberals’ newest attempt to make sure Dems don’t ever try to go back to stuff like the New Deal"
Chuck Schumer is as shitty a human that walks the planet
Chuck Schumer is 2ionist 6enocidal piece of shit
The Democrats' Corporate Lawyers Get the Humiliation They Deserve
The Decline Of Western Civilization Via Soccer
The United States GDP divided in halfMaggie's
{ feuilleton }Impossible? No: Eschatological!
The Vanishing White Male Writer?
"This guy is Susan Sontag's son. He blocked me for being a "feminazi" on here once for saying the history of affect was gendered. There are so many layers of irony here. Anyway, if you're wondering why I never get to write a Sontag intro, he controls her estate"
How Krautrock Never Bettered Can’s Tago Mago, Ege Bamyasi & Future Days


Jane Kenyon

There’s just no accounting for happiness,
or the way it turns up like a prodigal
who comes back to the dust at your feet
having squandered a fortune far away.

And how can you not forgive?
You make a feast in honor of what
was lost, and take from its place the finest
garment, which you saved for an occasion
you could not imagine, and you weep night and day
to know that you were not abandoned,
that happiness saved its most extreme form
for you alone.

No, happiness is the uncle you never
knew about, who flies a single-engine plane
onto the grassy landing strip, hitchhikes
into town, and inquires at every door
until he finds you asleep midafternoon
as you so often are during the unmerciful
hours of your despair.

It comes to the monk in his cell.
It comes to the woman sweeping the street
with a birch broom, to the child
whose mother has passed out from drink.
It comes to the lover, to the dog chewing
a sock, to the pusher, to the basketmaker,
and to the clerk stacking cans of carrots
in the night.
                     It even comes to the boulder
in the perpetual shade of pine barrens,
to rain falling on the open sea,
to the wineglass, weary of holding wine.

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